Friday, August 21, 2009

My Application : Kino

Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Short-Term Missions Application

Your answers to the following questions will help the Redeemer Short-Term Missions Committee evaluate and determines your participation in a mission trip. Prompt submission of your application is requested by the deadline date – all applications not received by that date will not qualify. Complete all sections to the best of your ability. Where signatures are required, typing your name in will count as the equivalent.

Grade you will be entering into in September, 2009: 5th Grade

Trip for which you are applying: Monterrey, Mexico
Today’s Date: 6/17/09
Name (as it appears on passport): Joaquin Dakila Juan

1. Please mark as appropriate: I am a regular attendee of Redeemer Pres. for : 3 years

2. Why do people go on mission trips? Besides the fact that your parents are going, why do you want to go on this trip? To help the people there learn about GOD, and to help them with their problems.

3. What part of this trip are you most excited about? Why? I am most exited about building houses for them, I think that would be very helpful.

4. What part of the trip do you feel nervous about? Why? I don’t think I will be able to understand them very well, but I know enough Spanish to understand them a little bit

5. What are a few things you do well or a few character traits you possess that might be helpful on this trip? I am friendly, I like to build things, and I like talking to people.

6. Do you speak Spanish? some

If not, what do you think it will be like to be around people that don’t speak English? How will you communicate with them? I know some Spanish, and I may be able to communicate.

7. Look up Monterrey, Mexico on your computer. List three interesting things you discover about the city, the people, the culture, etc. We would like you to share this with the rest of the team at one of the meetings.

* The first settlers of Monterrey were crypto-jews. Traces of this is found in their food ( like few pork dishes, and the unleavened bread)
* Diego Riviera was a descendant of a crypto-jew.
* One of the biggest battles between Mexico and America was fought in Monterrey.

8. Who is Jesus? What was his attitude on his mission trip to earth?

Jesus is the Christ and He came to earth to forgive our sins.

What should be our attitude as we go to Monterrey? My attitude should be happy and helpful, and have an attitude to listen.

9. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your family?
We travel a lot, so we are used to traveling and understanding foreign languages. We like learning about new things.

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